Start 2014 With a Look Back into History: Real-time Tour of the Battle of Princeton to Be Held New Year’s Day

For the history buff or just for people who plan to stay up all night on New Year’s Eve, New Jersey knows how to ring in the New Year, with a real-time tour of the Battle of Princeton.
Feel how it must have been to fight in the American Revolution. It was a cold winter night on Christmas day, 1776. George Washington’s army crossed the Delaware from Pennsylvania to New Jersey and took the Hessian garrison stationed in Trenton by surprise.
The fighting continued for ten days. By that time, enlistments were up. The soldiers were tired, cold and hungry. General Washington had to offer $10 to every person who stayed on for another 6 weeks to continue the fight.
The Battle of Princeton, which took place in January 1777, was a minor strategic battle but many consider it to be the turning point of the American Revolution. The Continental army and the Continental Congress needed a victory and they got it.
To commemorate the historic victory, the Princeton Battlefield Society will be holding a Real-time Tour of the Battle of Princeton on New Year’ s Morning. The tour will begin at 7:30 AM and conclude at 9:30 AM. Since it is a walking tour, attendees are encouraged to wear warm clothing and boots.
British Army Historian William P. Tatum III, Society Trustee and a reenactor will conduct the tour. By tracing the steps of American and British units at the same time of day as the original battle, the Princeton Battlefield Society promises that attendees will “come away with a better understanding of the rigors of eighteenth-century combat and a deeper appreciation of the engagement at Princeton.”
While there is no charge for the event, a suggested donation of $5 is appreciated. The funds will be used for the restoration of the Thomas Clarke House, which served as a hospital after the battle. Construction is slated to begin in the spring of 2014.
For additional information, please visit the Princeton Battlefield Society website.
March 20, 2012