Complete List of Books In the Gryphon Legal Classics Library

Gryphon Editions publishes nicely bound library editions of important legal classics. The publisher offers a subscription that entitles the buyer to obtain one volume a month.
Some of the titles in the series are books that every lawyer must read. Unfortunately, finding a complete list of every volume that has been published requires a bit of detective work. The following list was compiled using many available sources and is believed to be complete.
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The Gryphon Legal Classics Library
- Alighieri, Dante; Monarchy; the Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2014
- Allen, Carlton Kemp; Law in the Making; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1992
- Ane, John Maxcy; The Story of Law; the Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2013
- Apokrimata; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1999
- Aquinas, St. Thomas; Law and Justice; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1988
- Aristotle; Constitution of Athens; the Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2014
- Austin, John; The Province of Jurisprudence; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1984
- Bacon, Francis; The Elements of the Common Laws of England; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1997
- Barnes, Thomas Garden; Shaping the Common Law; the Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2008
- Bentham, Jeremy; An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1986
- Berger, Raoul; Government by Judiciary; the Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2013
- Bork, Robert H.; A Time to Speak; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2014
- Brierly, David: Major Legal Systems in the World Today; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2000
- Burke, Edmund; Select Works; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1990; Volume 1 & 2
- Burlamaqui, J. J.; Natural Law & Politic Law; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1995
- Scott, James Brown; Francisco De Vitoria and his Law of Nations; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1999
- Calhoun, John C.; A Disquisition on Government; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1993
- Carter; James Coolidge; Law: It’s Origin, Growth and Function; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1996
- Cicero; On the Commonwealth; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2012
- Cohen, Morris R.; Law and the Social Order; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2001
- Cooley, Thomas; Constitutional Limitations; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1987
- Craigmyle, The Lord; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2001
- Daube, Henry; Studies in Biblical Law; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2002
- Del Vecchio, Giorgio; The Formal Bases of Law; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2001
- Dershowitz, Alan; The Genesis of Justice; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2000; Signed Edition
- Dicey, A.V.; The Law of the Constitution; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1999
- Dillon, John F.; The Laws and Jurisprudence of England and America; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1994
- Drone, Eaton S.; The Law of Property in Intellectual Productions; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1987
- Emery, Lucilius; Concerning Justice; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2001
- Farrand, Max; The Framing of the Constitution; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2002
- Filmer, Robert; Patriarcha; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2013
- Fortescue, Chancellor Sir John; De Laudibus; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1984
- Frank, Jerome; Law and the Modern Mind; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1985
- Freeman, Kathleen; The Work and Life of Solon; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2014
- Freeman, Kathleen; Trials from the Athenian Law Courts; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1995
- Gierke, Otto; Political Theories of the Middle Age; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2001
- Gough, J. W.; Fundamental Law; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2007
- Gray, John Chipman; The Nature and Sources of the Law; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1985
- Hale, Matthew; History of the Common Law; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1987
- Hand, Learned; The Spirit of Liberty & The Bill of Rights; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1989
- Hart; H. L. A.; The Concept of Law; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1990
- Herbert, A.P.; Uncommon Law; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1988
- Hicks, Frederick; Famous American Jury Speeches; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1989
- Hobbs, Thomas; Leviathan; the Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2012
- Hoebel, Llewellyn; The Cheyenne Way; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1992
- Holland, Thomas Erskine; Jursiprudence; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1998
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, The Common Laws & Other Writings; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1982
- Home, Henry; Historical Law-Tracts; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1988
- Hooker, James; Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1998
- Hoover, Herbert; The Challenge to Liberty; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2000
- Jefferson, Thomas; Notes on the State of Virginia; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1955
- Johns, C.H.W.; Babylonian and Assyrian Laws; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1987
- Kelsen, Hans; General Theory of Law and State; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1990
- Lewis, Bernard; The Political Language of Islam; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2012
- Lieber, Francis; Legal and Political Hermeneutics; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1994
- Llewellyn, Karl Nickerson; On Legal Realism; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1986
- Locke, John; Two Treatises of Government; the Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1994
- Mahan; Armaments and Arbitration; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2000
- Maine, Henry Sumner; Ancient Law; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1982
- Mallock, W. H.; A Critical Examination of Socialism; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1998
- McIlwain, Charles Howard ; The American Revolution; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2004
- Means, Berle; The Modern Corporation and Private Property; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1993
- Mellon, Andrew; Taxation The People’s Business; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2013
- Mill, John Stuart; On Liberty; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1992
- Miller, William Ian; Bloodtaking and Peacemaking; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1990; Signed Edition
- Novick, Sheldon M.; Honorable Justice; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1989
- Paul, Rand; Government Bullies; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2012
- Pound, Roscoe; The Spirit of the Common Law and Other Writings; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1985
- Radin, Max; Law as Logic and Experience; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2002
- Sleeman, Colin; The “Double Tenth” Trial; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2007
- Stone, Harlan F.; Law and it’s Administration; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2004
- Story, Justice; Commentarires on Equity Jurisprudence; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1988
- Strauss, Leo; Natural Right and History; the Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1950
- Stryker, Lloyd Paul; The Art of Advocacy; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2007
- The Council, Laws of the Cherokee Nation; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1994
- The Institutes of Justinian; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1985
- The Laws and Liberties of Massachusetts; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1982
- The Laws of Plato; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2015
- Townley, James; The Reasons of the Laws for Moses; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2000
- Tucker, St. George, View of the Constitution of the U.S.; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2013
- Von Jhering, Rudolph; The Struggle for Law; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1991
- Von Puffendorf, Samuel; On the Duty of Man and Citizen; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1993
- Von Savigny, Frederick Charles; Of the Vocation of Our Age for Legislation and Jursiprudence; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1986
- Warburton, A. F.; Trial of the Officers and Crew of the Schooner Savannah; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1997
- Warren, Charles; Congress, The Constitution and the Supreme Court; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 2007
- Westin, Alan F.; The Anatomy of a Constitutional Law Case; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1996
- Wigmore, John Henry; The Principles of Judicial Proof; The Legal Classics Library; Gryphon Editions; 1991
- Wood, Gordon; The Creation of the American Republic; The Legal Classics Library, Gryphon Editions, 2014; Signed Edition