Zinio: The Best Way to Read Magazines

Zinio touts itself as the “world’s largest newsstand.” For those who love to read magazines, there is truly no better app on the market.
As far as apps go, Zinio has been around for a while and has established itself as the leading magazine platform. As a result, it offers the largest selection across all genres, including news, sports, lifestyle, entertainment, travel, and technology. Popular titles include Rolling Stone, The Economist, US Weekly, and Travel + Leisure.
Below are a few key features of the Zinio app:
- 6,000+ digital magazines
- Available for iOS, Andoid, and Windows
- Sync your library across all of your devices
- Ability to read magazines offline
- Schedule magazines to auto download
- Purchase single issues of magazines
- Sample additional content via free daily articles
When traveling, Zinio allows you to bring all your favorite magazines without taking up any room in a suitcase or carry on. For those who take public transportation to work every day, it is also easy to read your magazines on the train, bus, or ferry using your favorite device. As Engadget.com puts it: “Zinio is to magazines what Kindle is to books.”
Reading magazines via a tablet is also environmentally friendly. Even subscribing to one or two magazines can generate a lot paper waste. For avid readers, the piles can tend to stack up. Zinio can also keep your content organized. The app allows users to sort through magazine subscriptions by month and year, with back issues often available for several years. When viewing individual issues, you can select to view visual or textual versions of articles. The latest version also allows users to make notes and highlight stories.
Another perk of Zinio is that public libraries often allow members to “borrow” magazines using the platform. However, unlike books, there are no due dates and returns to worry about. Once you download an individual issue, it will remain available on your device.