OPPO Discontinues its Award-Winning Audiophile Disc Player

The OPPO 205 is the best CD/DVD/Blu Ray player on the market with a high-end DAC chip. Unfortunately, OPPO Digital is discontinuing its line of high-end Blu-ray players and headphones.
The OPPO UDP-205 Ultra HD is an audiophile’s dream machine, having received numerous great reviews and attracted many loyal users. The player is equipped with two ESS Technology ES9038PRO DACs for both stereo and 7.1 channel analog audio. It also features a best-in-class 140 dB of dynamic range in a 32-bit, 8-channel DAC. The ES9038PRO SABRE DAC features ESS’ patented 32-bit HyperStreamDAC technology, which creates phenomenal clarity and sound stage.
In addition to the 7.1-channel surround audio output, the UDP-205 has a stereo audio output powered by a dedicated ES9038PRO DAC chip and specially designed buffer and driver stag. Listeners can also connect headphones directly to the UDP-205’s built-in headphone amplifier.
UDP-205 Ultra HD Is the Last Product Release
OPPO became the best in the industry, largely because it continually set the bar higher. Now, it appears the company has reached the end of the line. “As our latest 4K UHD players reach the pinnacle of their performance, it is time to say goodbye,” OPPO announced in April.
The company is beginning the process of winding down its business by no longer manufacturing new products. It will, however, sell its existing inventory, honor warranties, and provide support to its products. “From now on, OPPO Digital will focus our main effort on organizing and ensuring long term support for the existing generation of products,” the company said in a statement. “As such, we will not have the resources to develop and release new generations of products.”
The news understandably shocked the audiophile and larger AV community, particularly those who have invested more than $3,000 in the OPPO 205. In an FAQ posted on its website, OPPO stated that newer products such as the UDP-203 and UDP-205 will likely receive more frequent upgrades, while mature products such as the BDP-103 and earlier models will only get firmware upgrades if there are critical fixes.