The Complete List of The Easton Press Library of the Presidents

The Easton Press Library of the Presidents is a set of 82 volumes, including biographies on 43 U.S. Presidents, from George Washington to George W. Bush. Each collector’s edition is elegantly leather bound, decorated in gilt, with silk end papers and placement ribbons.
The Easton Press Library of the Presidents
- A Day of Dedication; 1965
- All The Best by George Bush; Signed Edtition
- Ambrose, Stephen; Eisenhower; 1983; Volume I
- Ambrose, Stephen; Eisenhower; 1984; Volume II
- Bauer, K. Jack; Zachary Taylor
- Bemis, Samuel Flagg; John Quincy Adams; Vol. 1;
- Bemis, Samuel Flagg; John Quincy Adams; Vol. 2;
- Bergeron, Paul H; The Presidency of James K. Polk
- Brands, H.W.; T.R. The Last Romantic; 1997
- Brant, Irving; The Fourth President The Life of James Madison
- Burner, David; Herbert Hoover A Public Life; 1978
- Burns, James MacGregor; Roosevelt The Lion and the Fox; 1956; Volume I
- Burns, James MacGregor; Roosevelt The Soldier of Freedom; 1970
- Carter, Jimmy; Keeping Faith; 1982
- Cleaves, Freeman; Old Tippecanoe William Henry Harrison and His Time
- Cole, Donald B.; Martin Van Buren
- Cresson, W.P.; James Monroe
- Donald, David Herbert; Lincoln; 1995
- Eckenrode, H. J.; Rutherford B. Hayes Statesman of Reunion; 1930
- Ferrell, Robert H.; Harry S. Truman
- Ford, Gerald; A Time to Heal; 1979; Signed Edition
- Franklin D. Roosevelt; 1989
- Freeman, Douglas Southall; Washington
- Hagedorn, Hermann; The Theodore Roosevelt Treasury; 1988
- Hamilton, Holman; Zachary Taylor Soldier in the White House
- Hamilton, Holman; Zachary Taylor- Soldier of the Republic
- Heckscher, August; Woodrow Wilson
- Hoogenboom, Ari; Rutherford B. Hayes; 1995
- Howe, George Frederick; Chester A. Arthur; 1987
- James, Marquis; Andrew Jackson Portrait of A President; Vol. 2;
- James, Marquis; Andrew Jackson The Border Captain; Vol. 1;
- Kearns, Doris; Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream; 1976
- Kennedy, John F.; The Burden and the Glory; 1964
- Klein, Philip Shriver; President James Buchanan
- Leech, Margaret; In the Days of McKinley; 1986
- Lyons, Eugene; Herbert Hoover, A Biography; 1948
- Mcfeely, William; Grant A Biography
- Morris, Richard & Jeffery; Great Presidential Decisions State Papers that Changed the Course of History from Washington to Reagan
- Nevins, Allan; Grover Cleveland A Study in Courage; 1932; Volume I
- Nevins, Allan; Grover Cleveland A Study in Courage; 1932; Volume II
- Niven, John; Martin Van Buren The Romantic Age of American Politics
- Nixon, Richard; In the Arena; 1990
- Off The Record The Private Papers of Harry S Truman
- Padover, Saul K; The Complete Madison
- Parmet, Herbert S.; George Bush; 1997
- Parmet, Herbert S.; The Presidency of John F. Kennedy; 1983; Volume II
- Parmet, Herbert S.; The struggles of John F. Kennedy; 1980; Volume I
- Personal Memoirs Of U. S. Grant
- Peskin, Allan; Garfield; 1968
- Peterson, Merrill D; Thomas Jefferson and The New Nation
- Podell, Janet; Speeches of the American Presidents; 1988; Volume 1
- Podell, Janet; Speeches of the American Presidents; 1988; Volume 2
- Pringle, Henry F.; The Life and Times of William Howard Taft; 1939; Volume I
- Pringle, Henry F.; The Life and Times of William Howard Taft; 1939; Volume II
- Pringle, Henry; Theodore Roosevelt
- Rayback, Robert J; Millard Fillmore
- Reagan, Ronald; An American Life; 1990
- Regan, Ronald; Speaking My Mind Selected Speeches
- Remini, Robert V.; The Life of Andrew Jackson
- Russell, Francis; Shadow of Blooming Grove Warren G. Harding in His Times
- Sandburg, Carl; Abraham Lincoln
- Seager, Robert; And Tyler Too A Biography of John & Julia Gardiner Tyler
- Sellers, Charles; James Polk Jacksonian and Continentalist ; Vol. 2
- Sellers, Charles; James Polk Jacksonian and Continentalist; Vol. 1
- Sievers, Harry J.; Benjamin Harrison Hoosier Statesman Hoosier President; 1959
- Sievers, Harry J.; Benjamin Harrison Hoosier Warrior; 1952
- Smith, Page; John Adams; Vol. 1
- Smith, Page; John Adams; Vol. 2
- The Eisenhower Diaries
- The Literary Works of Abraham Lincoln; 1970
- The Memoirs of Richard Nixon; Signed Edition
- The Washington Papers
- The Works of John Adams by John Adams with notes by his grandson, Charles Frances Adams; Vol. 1;
- The Works of John Adams by John Adams with notes by his grandson, Charles Frances Adams; Vol. 2;
- The Writings of Thomas Jefferson
- Theodore Roosevelt, An Autobiography; 1996
- Trelousse, Hans L.; Andrew Johnson; 1989
- Truman, Margaret; Harry S Truman
- Walworth, Arthur; Woodrow Wilson American Prophet; 1978; Volume I
- Walworth, Arthur; Woodrow Wilson World Prophet; 1978; Volume II
- White, William Allen; A Puritan in Babylon & The Story of Calvin Coolidge; 1938
- Winston, Robert W.; Andrew Johnson Plebeian and Patriot; 1987