50 volume Classics of Liberty Collection

Titles 1 through 22 are quarter leather editions. Titles 23 through 50 are full leather bound editions. Raised bands on spine with gilt lettering. Gilt page edges and cover design. Ribbon page marker. Marble design endpapers. Some titles may vary depending on availability at the time of order.
- Alexander; A Brief Narrative of The Case and Trial of John Peter Zenger
- Babbitt; Democracy and Leadership
- Bailey; Lost German Slave Girl
- Barnes; Shaping the Common Law: From Glanville to Hale
- Becker; The Declaration of Independence
- Bryan; Letters to a Chinese Official
- Burgess, The Reconciliation of Government with Liberty
- Burr; Narratives of The Witchcraft Cases
- Bush; We Will Prevail
- Charnwood; Abraham Lincoln
- Colbourn; The Lamp of Experience
- Cooper; The American Democrat
- Creasy; Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World
- Day; Raid on Prosperity;
- Djilas; The New Class
- Ely, Democracy and Distrust
- Estrange; Seneca’s Morals
- Gough; Fundamental Law in English Constitutional History
- Hirst; Adam Smith by Hirst
- Hirst; Liberty and Tyranny
- Hobhouse; Liberalism
- Hook; The Paradoxes of Freedom
- Jefferson; Notes on the State of Virginia
- Koestler; Darkness at Noon
- Locke; Two Treatises of Government
- Lodge; Daniel Webster
- Machiavelli; The Prince together with The Discourses
- Mcilwain; The American Revolution
- McLaughlin; A Constitutional History of the United States; Vol I
- McLaughlin; A Constitutional History of the United States; Vol II
- Mellon; Taxation: The People’s Business
- Miller; Crisis in Freedom
- Morley; On Compromise
- Moynihan, Daniel Patrick; A Dangerous Place by Daniel Patrick
- Nisbet; Twilight of Authority
- Paine; Common Sense-Rights of Men
- Paine; Selected Writings
- Polybius; The Histories; Vol. I
- Polybius; The Histories; Vol. II
- Pringle; Hue and Cry
- Roosevelt; Fear God and Take Your Own Part
- Scherger; The Evolution of Modern Liberty
- Skousen; The Completed Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
- Stimson; The American Constitution as it Protects Private Rights
- Tacitus; Agricola, Germany and The Dialogue on Oratory
- Taylor & Johnson; Until Proven Innocent: Duke Lacrosse Team Rape Case
- Turner; The Frontier in American History
- Vinogradorf; Common-Sense in Law
- Von Mises; Socialism
- Warren; Congress, The Constitution, and The Supreme Court