Calico Kings and Queens of Spain
King Ferdinand II, 1479 – 1516
Obv: Ferdinandvs.D.G.Arago.Navarre.Vtrivs.Sig.Rex 1479-1516, Rev: Cathal-Arag – Sicilia – Maioricar – Neapolis – Cors-Sard – Rossillion – Valentia – Navarra Weight: 70.8738 Grams, 2.50 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Ferdinand & Queen Elizabeth, 1504
Obv: Fernandvs:Et:Elisabet:D:C:Castelle:Reges 1474-1479-1504, Rev: Indias Occidentales Descubiertas En 1492 – America El Continente Mas Ponderoso Del Mundo Weight: 69.4563 Grams, 2.45 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
Queen Joanna, 1505-1516
Obv: Joanna Et Phillipvs – +1508 – Castel. Reges – 1505-1516, Rev: Perdido A Mi Marido Que Es Mi Sol Debo Huir Lziz Del Dia Weight: 65.2039 Grams, 2.20 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Charles I, 1516-1556
Obv: Carolvs. V. Rom. Imp. Hispaniarvm. Rex 1516-1520-1555-1556, Rev: Primeras Repercusiones Politicas Del Oro Americano En Europa Weight: 66.6214 Grams, 2.35 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
Queen Joanna & King Charles, 1516 – 1555
Obv: Joanna Et Carlovs Hisp Et Ind. Reg 1516-1555, Rev: Primeros Reyes De Todas Las Espanas
Weight: 76.5437Grams, 2.75 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Philip II, 1556-1598
Obv: Philippvs D.G. Hisp. Ang. Z. Rex 1556-1598, Rev: Soberano Del Mayor Imperio Del La Historia Weight: 65.2039 Grams, 2.30 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Philip III, 1598 – 1621
Obv: Philip. III D.G. Hisp. Et Ind. R. 1598-1621, Rev: Primeras Monedas De Oro Americanas – Real Cedula 10-Abril-1620 Weight: 69.4563 Grams, 2.45 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Philip IV, 1621 – 1665
Obv: Philip. IV D.G. Hisp. Et Ind. R. 1621-1665, Rev: Senor De Senores Weight: 73.7088 Grams, 2.60 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Charles II, 1665-1700
Obv: Carolus II D.G. Hisp. Et. Indiar. Rex. 1665-1700, Rev: El Principio De Todo Lo Humano Es El Comienzo De Su Fin Weight: 69.4563 Grams, 2.45 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Philip, 1700-1724-1746
Obv: Philip. V D.G. Hisp. Et Ind. R. 1700-1724-1746, Rev: Innovacion De La Moneda En Espana Y America Weight: 68.0389 Grams, 2.40 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Louis I, 1724
Obv: Lvdovicvs I D.G. Hips. ET Ind. R. 1724, Rev: La Fortaleza Se Prueba En La Adversidad Weight: 73.7088 Grams, 2.30 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Ferdinand VI, 1746 – 1759
Obv: Ferdin. VI D.G. Hisp. Et Ind. R. 1746-1759, Rev: Aeqvilibrivm Weight: 63.7864 Grams, 2.25 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Charles III, 1759 – 1788
Obv: Carol. III D.G. Hisp. Et. Ind. R. 1759-1788, Rev: Libertad De Comercio De Las Provincias Espanolas De America Weight: 66.6214 Grams, 2.35 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Charles IV, 1788 – 1808
Obv: Carol. IIII D.G. Hisp. Et. Ind. R. 1788-1808, Rev: Continvatio – Lvs III – Carolvs IV – Ferdin Weight: 69.4563 Grams, 2.45 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Joseph I, 1808 -1813
Obv: Joseph Nap D G Hisp Et Ind R 1808-1814, Rev: Ocaso Napoleonico Weight: 66.6214 Grams, 2.35 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Ferdinand VII, 1813 – 1833
Obv: Ferdin. VII D.G. Hisp. Et Ind. R. 1808-1833, Rev: Emancipacion De Las Provincias Espanolas De America Weight: 63.7864 Grams, 2.25 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Carlos V, 1833-1843
Obv: Carolvs V D.G. Hisp. Rex 1833-1843, Rev: Primeras Guerras Carlistas – Ley Salica 10 Mayo 1713 Weight: 65.2039 4 Grams, 2.30 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
Queen Isabel II, 1833-1868
Obv: Isabel 2. Reina De Las Espanas 1833-1868, Rev: Comerico.Ferrocarriles.Canales.Caminos.Industria – Progreso Constitucion Weight: 65.2039 Grams, 2.30 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Amadeo I, 1870-1873
Obv: Amadeo I Rey De Espana 1870-1873, Rev: Principe Real De Saboya Duque De Aosta – Elegido El 16 De Noviembre De 1870
Weight: 70.8738 Grams, 2.50 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Carlos VII, 1872 – 1876
Obv: Carlos VII Rey De Las Espanas 1872-1876, Rev: Dios Patria Y Rey Weight: 66.6214 Grams, 2.35 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Alfonso XII, 1874-1885
Obv: Alfonso XII Por La G De Dios 1874-1885, Rev: El Pacificador Barcelona MCMLXII
Weight: 72.2913 Grams, 2.55 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
King Alfonso XIII, 1886 -1941
Obv: Alfonso XIII Por La G, De Dios 1886-1941, Rev: Espana Fue Su Gran Amor Weight: 70.8738 Grams, 2.50 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter
Calico Family Spain 175 Anniversary
Obv: Barcelona 175 Aniversari De L’Establiment De – Mcmlix LaFamilia Calico A La Placa De Angel, Rev: Joseph Calico; Calveria De Santa Coloma De Farnes S’ Estableix A La Placa De L’ Angel Al 1784 – Continuant Al Mateixlloch El Seu Fill – Joseph Calico iRibalta (N.1784) – Para De – Joseph Calico iVives (N.1832) – Para De – Javier Calico iBas (N.1873) – Iels Seus Fills – F.XavieriFerran Calico iRebull
Weight: 56.699 Grams, 2.0 Ounces Measurements: .50 MM Diameter, 2 Inches In Diameter